Building & Conservation Ltd
Philip Turton
Specialist Cleaning
We are fully conversant in specialist cleaning using JOSS / DOFF / TORC and have operatives trained in using these sensitive techniques.
We generally do not offer this as a stand alone part of our skilled operations but we are very happy to carry out trials, data collation and advice on the best means to remove graffiti and unwanted paints / bitumen etc off masonry substrates if this is part of a masonry package.
There are contractors that are cleaning contractors only that we have worked in conjunction with that do this type of cleaning on a daily basis and are fully aware and trained in the technical properties of this very specialised type of cleaning.
We do not carry the plant required for this work and have to hire the machinery that some times results in us being un-competitive.
We have carried out DOFF cleaning to many buildings like The Animal Wall, War memorials etc as part of a masonry package that we can then fully control our projects.